Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Children's Liturgy for ages 2-10 years during each regular Sunday Mass with activities following the theme of Sunday Liturgy and Gospel.
Fun and engaging!
L-RFather Antony, Lucille Partington, Julie Slade, Archbishop Pettipas
Music Minisitry

'He who sings, prays twice.' St. Augustine
We have a diverse Music Ministry. Come join us in song praising the Lord each Sunday.
L-R Father Antony, Archbishop Pettipas
Mona Pohl, Vella Anderson, Mary Vavrek, Shirley Roth
Absent: Pat Zmean and Chelsea

'For God and Canada'
Many hands and many ways.
Join us in serving our Lord, our parish and our country.
L-R Father Antony, Mona Pohl, Shirley Roth,Archbishop Pettipas
Karoline Weber, Rose Major, Mary MdLaughlin, Karen Roth, Julie Slade
Mary Vavrek, Vella Anderson, Gail Kaczkielo, Lise Gillon, Lucille Partingon
Parish Pastoral Council

'Now you are the Body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.'
1 Corinthians 12:27
The Parish Pastoral Council brings together lay people, religious member and church staff, who together with their pastor, work to build a vibrant and faith filled community.
L-R Father Antony, Shirley Roth, Joe Raskauskas, Archbishop Pettipas
Mona Pohl, Rose Major, Lucille Partington
Parish Financial Council

'Now you are the Body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.'
1 Corinthians 12:27
The Parish Financial Council brings together lay people, religious member and church staff, who together with their pastor, work to support their faith community and parish.
L-R Father Antony, Larry Vavrek, Brian Olson, Ron Major, Archbishop Pettipas
Gerald Schwemler, Ray Wald, Lise Gillon, Vella Anderson